Naomi Andrade

  • November 22, 2020
One of the main reason I joined UEI global was the welcoming atmosphere I felt the moment I walked in for my counseling. Staff (teaching and non-teaching) paid attention...

Raj Jaiswal

  • November 22, 2020
Respected faculty members of UEI Global Pune,it has been a very great experience, studing and completing my graduation under your supervision.You always gave us more than expected, by your...

Tofikk Shaikh

  • November 22, 2020
Choosing UEI Global was a life changing experience during pandemic. The faculty was very understanding and experienced throughout my 3 years journey. The college helped me get an internship...

Insiya Ghadialy

  • November 22, 2020
I am Insiya Ghadialy alumini of UEI Global Education Pune. It was an amazing three years degree course with UEI Global. I gained Lots of Knowledge specially from the...
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